The Female Gaze

In 1975 the film critic Laura Mulvey coined a theoretical term for the objectification of the feminine form in movies, the male gaze. In cinema, the male gaze looks while the female body is looked at; the gaze can come from the audience, from a male character within the film, or from the camera itself. It has consequences that reach beyond the screen. What then is the female gaze? It isn’t the objectification of the male physique but rather seeing through the eyes of women filmmakers who see people as whole people beyond a dissected sum of their parts. In this block of films you will witness women writers, directors, producers, and cinematographers seeking excellence in storytelling, and ultimately working to move beyond an old-fashioned gender binary of male versus female. The female gaze from behind the camera is complex, it’s technical, and deserves prominent platforms, like The Portland Film festival, to showcase the brilliance of women who make movies on their own terms.